If you are a USA based small business with a good, product or service that you want to market in China, then what about joining us and become one of the 50 businesses located in AmericaTowne® across China. There are business opportunities available in a number of areas. If you have a business or a unique product or service that is "made in the USA" we would like to discuss opportunities with you to setup shop in China. Here are some types of businesses that we are interested in
- LA Upscale Restaurant
- Kentucky Fried Chicken Type
- 5 Guys and A Burger
- Hard Rock Café
- Play Lists Club
- Blues Alley
- Italian Restaurant
- French Restaurant
- Texas Food
- Soul Food
- Taco Bell Type
- Pizza Hut Type
- Starbucks Type
- Bar-B-Q Pit
- Philadelphia - Steak
- New York Bakery- Apple Pie
- Grocery Store
- My Chocolates & Candy Store
- Wine & Beer Shop
- Art Gallery
- Love Your Wool
- English Training School
- Children’s Theme Park
- School of Modern Dance
- Sports Clinic & Fitness Center
- Sports Education Basketball
- Movie Theater
- Bowling Alley
- LA Style Boutique
- NBA Store NBA
- Nike Store
- Distinctly American
- Love of My Life - Gift Shop
- Children Distinctly American
- Western Boutique
- New York & LA Boutique
- Distinctly American
- Hip Hop Nation
- Children’s Store
- Nascar
- Cosmetics Shop
- Travel Agency
- Las Vegas Connection
- Barber & Beauty Shop
- Smoothie Shop
- Flower Shop USA
- Swimming recreation
- American Styled and designed clothes
What are the steps in the process?
- Decide on the business you want to operate.
- Decide if you want to own outright, lease, or partner with us.
- Design your operating budget.
- Sign the contract
- Make your initial deposit
- Work with us in designing and build out.
- Operate your business.