Build and operate AmericaTowne® Tourism Development and Trade Centers to meet the growing demand by citizens – especially for “USA made” goods and services exported to China and leisure and tourism opportunities within China.
Each of the twenty Centers will be built on 165 acres and each will host 50 businesses, 50 villas; a 5 star hotel, a theme park, senior care and wellness centers all carrying the “made in USA tag.” By building the Centers, with the support of USA Exim Bank, we meet dual needs of increasing exports and the meeting the demand for leisure.
AmericaTowne® Tourism Development and Trade Centers provide unique one of kind communities for people in China to go spend their leisure time consisting of 50 unique businesses, a 5 star hotel, 50 villas and a theme park all fashioned after the American way, business, and life style. Actual businesses, hotels, villas, theme parks and senior care and wellness facilities found in the USA can be found in AmericaTowne® in China. In short, AmericaTowne® brings a slice of America to China. Situated on 1,000 mu of land, the communities offers authentic goods, products and services “made in the USA.”
AmericaTowne® meets the challenge of helping China reduce its tourist deficit by attracting more inbound tourist and keeping more Chinese citizens at home to enjoy a slice of America.
As an added and dual value AmericaTowne® provides jobs in China and America, and supports America's national initiative to improve the balance of trade by exporting goods and services carrying the "made in the USA" tag. Additionally, AmericaTowne® provides small businesses in China and America with more opportunities to expand their enterprises.