A look at the past

In 2006, USA Exim Bank exposure in China exceed expenditures of 16.4 billion RMB. Just four years later, in 2010,  this exposure dropped to less than a 6.1 billion RMB. We are looking for companies to help reverse the trend and receive funds of 10.4 billion RMB.

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More-> Find out about funding here.

USA Exim Bank’s purposes is to help the USA economy grow by providing funding to creditworthy companies around the world that buy USA made goods and services.  

This means that if you are in the market for goods and services that you have previously brought from another source outside of China, you want to look at  the USA for funding and business growth opportunities.

The bank spends billions of dollars: In 2006, over 16.4 billion RMB were allocated to companies in China.
You must know about the program to get funded: Just four years later, in 2010,  this exposure dropped to 6.1 billion RMB.

This drop indicates perhaps that businesses sought other funding that may have been readily available. However in today’s climate where funding sources are quickly drying up, USA Exim Bank is the way to secure funding fasts for both small and large creditworthy businesses. With the right mix of companies and Yilaime’s innovative system, we can get the funding number back up to 16.4 billion RMB or even more. This is win-win business for the Bank, customers, and the business environment in the US and China. 

Our Mission: Yilaime’s mission is to help reveres the downward spiral and turn the funding trend back up where China businesses receive $2.6 billion USD.

Be apart of the upward trend - receive funding: If you are a credit worthy business looking for capital and innovative products and services to expand your business, you want to talk with us.